Our Team

Our experienced team offers the highest quality instruction and compassion for our students.  

Mrs. Nicole Klein


Bachelor’s Degree: Elementary Education with a Minor in Mathematics

Master’s Degree:  Curriculum and Instruction

Additional Licenses: Administration and Director of Instruction

Advanced Religion Certification

Mrs. Nicole Klein has over twenty years of experience in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.  Throughout her years of experience, she has had many opportunities, such as being the director of instruction, a classroom teacher, math and media teacher, learning support teacher, extension teacher, and being on leadership teams.  She is dedicated to working as a team to provide the best instructional practices, so we can ensure student and school continuous improvement and growth.  Her goal is to combine her range of experiences with her abilities to be a compassionate, enthusiastic, innovative administrator who will make a positive contribution to Holyland Catholic School and the larger community.

Mrs. Kay Hellman


Over 15 years at Holyland Catholic School, Mrs. Hellman provides great opportunities for little minds to explore and discover.

Ms. Jennifer Lefeber-Krenn


Ms. Lefeber-Krenn has helped students thrive for over 4 years at HCS.

Mrs. Jodi Oye

First Grade


Mrs. Tammi Burkhart

Second/Third Grade

Mrs. Mary Jo Rammer

Fourth through Eighth Grade: Math, Science, and Religion
Mrs. Rammer brings her passion for math and science to the upper grades by providing hands on activities and personalized learning.

Mr. Nick Zeleske

Fourth through Eighth Grade: ELA, Social Studies, and Religion

Mr. Zeleske brings his passion for literature and social studies to our older students. He tries to make learning engaging and enjoyable.  

Mrs. Kristine Will

Administrative Assistant


Mrs. Rose Marie Mashock

Instructional Aide


Mrs. Jodi Steffen

Instructional Aide


Ms. Kelly Lamb

Art & Phy. Ed.: Preschool through Eighth Grade


Ms. Rachael Sclavi

Music: Preschool through Eighth Grade


Mrs. Carol Thome

Extended Care 


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Building a solid foundation for your child(ren) starts with enriched learning opportunities.
